Expert Action Items - 1

Expert Action Items - 1

Action Items
action items

Hello Everyone,

In this series, I will share key takeaways from software industry experts and create action items for active improvement.

(Personally) sustainable social media.

  • Rather than wasting time creating content for social media, do something more useful, such as:
    • Build your website (or products)
    • Create courses
    • Make games
    • Write your books.
  • Your chances of having a real impact with these are small, but are still orders of magnitude higher than with a Facebook post.
  • Be intentional about what social media you use.
  • Do not use one platform for everything; use one for specific tasks, such as Discord for memes or forums to discuss industry trends.

Stop Being a Junior

  • Tech moves fast, and there is no fixed time for how long you must be a junior.
  • If you stick to a few technologies, you can master them quickly.
  • You can volunteer to do more complicated tasks at work.
  • Do public speaking, such as Volunteering for local meetups and conferences.
  • Showcase your accomplishments

Intentional Career Building

  • If you can solve other people’s problems, share the solution publicly. It can help others as well and boost your credibility.
  • Focus on quality by solving problems you are dealing with; other people might have the same problem, too.
  • Publish content under your domain.

5 Junior Software Engineer Learning Traps

  • Tutorials are just a starting point. Leave the tutorial phase immediately and switch to building stuff such as side projects or open-source contributions.
  • Only get certifications that are a hard requirement for the job.
  • Doing competitive programming is overkill for programming interviews. LeetCode is enough.
  • Build in public, including making your source code open-source and getting feedback on your ideas.
  • Don’t waste time picking your ideal tech; execution is more important.

Why should developers write? Three reasons and three common blocks

Benefits of writing:

  • A published articles indicate that a developer is committed to professional self-improvement.
  • Writing leads to more profound knowledge as you teach yourself before teaching others.
  • Publishing allows you to be up to date with technology trends.

Blockers and how to avoid them:

  • Not knowing which topic to write about
    • Think about any challenge you had at work.
    • Did other people struggle to implement something that you were doing?
    • An interesting conversation with a colleague
  • Exposure:
    • Write on a platform with a large and friendly community, such as or Medium
    • Share articles on social media.
    • Write for a newsletter.
  • Procrastination
    • Take small steps
    • Write an initial draft first and then make improvements on subsequent re-reads
    • Promise yourself a reward after completing a text.

Action items for this week based on the blogs:

  • Create a habit of writing. For me, I will write one blog per week.
  • Share your blog on social media when you write them (Instagram, LinkedIn, etc).
  • Start looking into how to contribute to open source.
  • Write code in public (Public GitHub Repos) so you can get feedback from peers or mentors. I will make three public GitHub commits per day.
  • Go to one local meetup per week.
  • Start working on ideation for a side project.
  • Solve one LeetCode problem every day.

For repeated tasks, I will consider them as complete after 66 days.

If you have any feedback, please feel free to contact me.

© 2024 Gursimar Singh